
This plugin allows you to capture axios requests and inspect them later on while replaying session recordings. This is very useful for understanding and fixing issues.

npm i @openreplay/tracker-axios

Initialize the @openreplay/tracker package as usual then load the axios plugin. Note that OpenReplay axios plugin requires axios@^0.21.2 as a peer dependency.

If your website is a Single Page Application (SPA)

Section titled If your website is a Single Page Application (SPA)
import tracker from '@openreplay/tracker';
import trackerAxios from '@openreplay/tracker-axios';

const tracker = new OpenReplay({
  projectKey: PROJECT_KEY
tracker.use(trackerAxios(options)); // check list of available options below

If your web app is Server-Side-Rendered (SSR)

Section titled If your web app is Server-Side-Rendered (SSR)

Follow the below example if your app is SSR. Ensure tracker.start() is called once the app is started (in useEffect or componentDidMount).

import OpenReplay from '@openreplay/tracker/cjs';
import trackerAxios from '@openreplay/tracker-axios/cjs';

const tracker = new OpenReplay({
  projectKey: PROJECT_KEY
tracker.use(trackerAxios(options)); // check list of available options below

function MyApp() {
  useEffect(() => { // use componentDidMount in case of React Class Component
  }, [])
  instance: AxiosInstance;
  failuresOnly: boolean;
  captureWhen: (AxiosRequestConfig) => boolean;
  sessionTokenHeader: string;
  ignoreHeaders: Array<string> | boolean;
  sanitiser: (RequestResponseData) => RequestResponseData | null;
  • instance: By default plugin connects to the static axios instance, but you can specify a different one with this option. If you have more multiple instances, then can use tracker.use(trackerAxios(myinstance)) for each one of them. Default: axios.
  • failuresOnly: Set it to false if you want to record every single request regardless of the status code. By default only failed requests are captured (when the axios promise is rejected). You can also change this behavior with the validateStatus option. Default: false.
  • captureWhen: Allows you to set a filter on what should be captured. The function will be called with the axios config object and expected to return true|false. Default: () => true.
  • sessionTokenHeader: In case you have enabled some of our backend integrations (i.e. Sentry), you can use this option to specify the header name (i.e. ‘X-OpenReplay-SessionToken’). This latter gets appended automatically to each axios request to contain the OpenReplay sessionToken’s value. Default: undefined.
  • ignoreHeaders: Helps define a list of headers you don’t wish to capture. Set its value to false to capture all of them (true if none). Default: [ 'Cookie', 'Set-Cookie', 'Authorization' ] so sensitive headers won’t be captured.
  • sanitiser: Sanitise sensitive data from fetch request/response or ignore request comletely. You can redact fields on the request object by modifying then returning it from the function:
interface RequestData {
  body: BodyInit | null | undefined; // whatewer you've put in the init.body in fetch(url, init)
  headers: Record<string, string>;

interface ResponseData {
  body: string | Object | null;  // Object if response is of JSON type
  headers: Record<string, string>;

interface RequestResponseData {
  readonly status: number;
  readonly method: string;
  url: string;
  request: RequestData;
  response: ResponseData;

sanitiser: (data: RequestResponseData) => { // sanitise the body or headers
  if (data.url === "/auth") {
    data.request.body = null

  if (data.request.headers['x-auth-token']) { // can also use ignoreHeaders option instead
    data.request.headers['x-auth-token'] = 'SANITISED';

  // Sanitise response
  if (data.status < 400 && data.response.body.token) {
    data.response.body.token = "<TOKEN>"  

  return data

// OR

sanitiser: data => { // ignore requests that start with /secure
  if (data.url.startsWith("/secure")) {
    return null
  return data

// OR

sanitiser: data => { // sanitise request url: replace all numbers
  data.url = data.url.replace(/\d/g, "*")
  return data

If you’re looking for a practical example of how to use this plugin to capture and sanitize request data, check out our detailed tutorial over here.

Having trouble setting up this plugin? Please connect to our Slack or check out our Forum and get help from our community.