OpenReplay Enterprise Edition comes with different connectors for exporting captured data (user behavior and technical issues) to your data warehouse. We support:
- Amazon Redshift
- Google BigQuery
- PostgreSQL
- Snowflake
- ClickHouse
Column name | Type | Category | Description |
sessionid | text | session metadata | Unique session identifier |
user_agent | text | session metadata | Example: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64; rv:47.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/47.0 |
user_browser | text | session metadata | User browser |
user_browser_version | text | session metadata | User browser version |
user_country | text | session metadata | User country |
user_device | text | session metadata | User device |
user_device_heap_size | biginteger | session metadata | User device heap size |
user_device_memory_size | biginteger | session metadata | The approximate amount of device memory in gigabytes |
user_device_type | text | session metadata | User device type |
user_os | text | session metadata | User OS |
user_os_version | text | session metadata | User OS version |
user_uuid | text | session metadata | User unique identifier |
connection_effective_bandwidth | biginteger | session metadata | The effective bandwidth estimate in megabits per second |
connection_type | text | session metadata | Connection type. One of the following: bluetooth, cellular, ethernet, none, wifi, other, unknown |
metadata_key | text | session metadata | Additional information about users (also known as traits or user variables). Learn more about metadata |
metadata_value | text | session metadata | Additional information about users (also known as traits or user variables). Learn more about metadata |
referrer | text | session metadata | the URI of the page that linked to this page |
user_anonymous_id | text | session metadata | Optional user identifier |
user_id | text | session metadata | An identifier of a user within a session, that can be set manually with setUserID() tracker method |
session_start_timestamp | biginteger | session metadata | Timestamp when the first message from the session was generated on the user side |
session_end_timestamp | biginteger | session metadata | Timestamp when the last message from a session arrived followed by 2 minutes and 30 seconds of inactivity |
session_duration | biginteger | session metadata | The difference between session_end_timestamp and session_start_timestamp in milliseconds |
first_contentful_paint | biginteger | loading speed | Time when the browser first rendered any text, image |
speed_index | biginteger | loading speed | Speed Index is a page load performance metric that shows you how quickly the contents of a page are visibly populated. It is the average time at which visible parts of the page are displayed. Expressed in milliseconds, and dependent on the size of the viewport, the lower the score, the better. |
visually_complete | biginteger | loading speed | The time necessary to the zone above the foldline to be rendered under its final form |
timing_time_to_interactive | biginteger | loading speed | Time to Interactive is a non-standardized web performance ‘progress’ metric defined as the point in time when the last Long Task finished and was followed by 5 seconds of network and main thread inactivity. |
avg_cpu | biginteger | performance | Average estimated CPU on a user side |
avg_fps | biginteger | performance | Maximum number of frames per second on a user side |
max_cpu | biginteger | performance | Maximum estimated CPU on a user side |
max_fps | biginteger | performance | Maximum number of frames per second on a user side |
max_total_js_heap_size | biginteger | performance | Maximum total heap size |
max_used_js_heap_size | biginteger | performance | Maximum used heap size |
js_exceptions_count | biginteger | issues and events | A count of JavaScript exceptions events within a session |
long_tasks_total_duration | biginteger | issues and events | Total duration of tasks that block the main thread for 50 ms or more |
long_tasks_max_duration | biginteger | issues and events | Maximum duration of a single task that block the main thread for 50 ms or more |
long_tasks_count | biginteger | issues and events | Total number of tasks that block the main thread for 50 ms or more |
inputs_count | biginteger | issues and events | A count of Input events within a session |
clicks_count | biginteger | issues and events | A count of Click events within a session |
issues_count | biginteger | issues and events | A count of Issue events within a session |
issues | array[text] | issues and events | A list of issue names |
urls_count | biginteger | issues and events | A count of different URL visited during a session |
urls | array[text] | issues and events | A list of URLs visited during a session |
Column name | Type | Category | Description |
sessionid | biginteger | technical | Unique session identifier |
connectioninformation_downlink | biginteger | technical | The effective bandwidth estimate in megabits per second, rounded to the nearest multiple of 25 kilobits per seconds |
connectioninformation_type | text | technical | The type of connection a device is using to communicate with the network. One of the following: bluetooth, cellular, ethernet, none, wifi, other, unknown. |
consolelog_level | text | technical | Verbose, Info, Warning or Error |
consolelog_value | text | technical | Console log message content |
customevent_messageid | biginteger | technical | Unique identifier |
customevent_name | text | technical | Name of the custom event |
customevent_payload | text | technical | custom event’s payload |
customevent_timestamp | biginteger | technical | Timestamp of the event |
errorevent_message | text | technical | Error event message content |
errorevent_messageid | biginteger | technical | Unique identifier |
errorevent_name | text | technical | Name of the error event |
errorevent_payload | text | technical | Error’s payload |
errorevent_source | text | technical | Source of the error |
errorevent_timestamp | biginteger | technical | Timestamp of the event |
jsexception_message | text | technical | JS exception message content |
jsexception_name | text | technical | Exception’s name |
jsexception_payload | text | technical | Exception’s payload |
metadata_key | text | technical | Additional information about users (also known as traits or user variables). Learn more about metadata |
metadata_value | text | technical | Additional information about users (also known as traits or user variables). Learn more about metadata |
mouseclick_id | biginteger | behavioral | A unique identifier of a DOM element |
mouseclick_hesitationtime | biginteger | behavioral | Time between hovering on element and clicking it |
mouseclick_label | text | behavioral | Element text if present |
pageevent_firstcontentfulpaint | biginteger | technical | Timestamp when the browser first rendered any text, image |
pageevent_firstpaint | biginteger | technical | Is the time between navigation and when the browser renders the first pixels to the screen, rendering anything that is visually different from what was on the screen prior to navigation. It answers the question Is it happening? |
pageevent_messageid | biginteger | technical | Unique identifier |
pageevent_referrer | text | technical | the URI of the page that linked to this page |
pageevent_speedindex | biginteger | technical | The average time at which visible parts of the page are displayed. Expressed in milliseconds |
pageevent_timestamp | biginteger | technical | Timestamp of the event |
pageevent_url | text | behavioral | URL |
pagerendertiming_timetointeractive | biginteger | technical | A non-standardized web performance ‘progress’ metric defined as the point in time when the last Long Task finished and was followed by 5 seconds of network and main thread inactivity |
pagerendertiming_visuallycomplete | biginteger | technical | The time necessary to the zone above the foldline to be rendered under its final form |
rawcustomevent_name | text | technical | Custom event name |
rawcustomevent_payload | text | technical | Payload |
setviewportsize_height | biginteger | behavioral | Height of the user’s visible area of a web page |
setviewportsize_width | biginteger | behavioral | Width of the user’s visible area of a web page |
timestamp_timestamp | biginteger | technical | Timestamp message (related to v.2) |
user_anonymous_id | text | technical | Optional user identifier |
user_id | text | technical | An identifier of a user within a session, that can be set manually with setUserID() tracker method |
issueevent_messageid | biginteger | behavioral, technical | Unique identifier |
issueevent_timestamp | biginteger | behavioral, technical | Timestamp of the event |
issueevent_type | text | behavioral, technical | Type of the issue (see Issue Type documentation for more) |
issueevent_contextstring | text | behavioral, technical | Issue message with explanation |
issueevent_context | text | behavioral, technical | Relevant information on the issue |
issueevent_payload | text | behavioral, technical | Payload |
customissue_name | text | technical | Custom issue name |
customissue_payload | text | technical | Custom issue payload |
received_at | biginteger | technical | Timestamp when the event is received by connector |
batch_order_number | biginteger | technical | Order number in a batch. To reconstruct the order of messages, sort by received_at and batch_order_number |