Clear Cache

OpenReplay needs access to resources, such as your stylesheets, icons and fonts, to make replays work. In fact, these files are copied then cached by our backend so you can see old recordings even if your web app has changed. Follow the below steps to clear your cache:

  1. Run k9s -n db
  2. Use the keyboard arrows to navigate the list and get to the minio-* container
  3. Press s to have shell access the Minio (object storage) container
  4. Run mc alias set minio http://localhost:9000 $MINIO_ACCESS_KEY $MINIO_SECRET_KEY
  5. Run mc rm --recursive --dangerous --force minio/sessions-assets to remove all cached files (CSS, fonts and icons)
  6. Use exit to exit the Minio container
  7. Run :quit to exit the Kubernetes CLI
  8. Restart assets service by running cd openreplay/scripts/helmcharts && ./openreplay-cli -I