JavaScript SDK

Getting started with OpenReplay JavaScript SDK.


npm i @openreplay/tracker


Initialize the package from your codebase entry point and start the tracker. You must set the projectKey option in the constructor. Its value can be found in your OpenReplay dashboard under 'Preferences > Projects'.

If your website is a Single Page Application (SPA) use the below code:

import OpenReplay from '@openreplay/tracker';
const tracker = new OpenReplay({
projectKey: PROJECT_KEY
tracker.start(); // returns a promise with session info (sessionID, sessionToken, userUUID)

Otherwise, if your web app is Server-Side-Rendered (SSR) (i.e. NextJS, NuxtJS) use the below snippet. Ensure tracker.start() is called once the app is started (in useEffect or componentDidMount).

import OpenReplay from '@openreplay/tracker/cjs';
const tracker = new OpenReplay({
projectKey: PROJECT_KEY,
function MyApp() {
useEffect(() => { // use componentDidMount in case of React Class Component
tracker.start(); // returns a promise with session info (sessionID, sessionToken, userUUID)
}, [])

For NuxtJS, put the script inside a client-only plugin (don't forget to add it to your nuxt.config.js):

// ~/plugins/openreplay.client.js
import OpenReplay from '@openreplay/tracker/cjs'
const tracker = new OpenReplay({
projectKey: PROJECT_KEY
export default (context) => {
tracker.start() // returns a promise with session info (sessionID, sessionToken, userUUID)
// context available, e.g. for setting metadata from the store


There are a set of options you can pass to the constructor. Only projectKey is required.

General Purpose

  • projectKey: string The ID of the project you're tracking.
  • sessionHash?: string The hash of the initial session. This is useful when sessions traverse different subdomains on your web app but you want to stitch them into a single recording. In case it's not possible to continue the session (doesn't exist or is finished), the tracker will automatically start a new one. It's also returned on stop(). More details on this here.
  • ingestPoint?: string Your OpenReplay domain (i.e., to which the tracker will be sending events. This is optional for OpenReplay Cloud users. Default: (which points to OpenReplay Cloud).
  • revID?: string The revision ID of your web app. Useful when searching for issues happening on a specific release version.
  • resourceBaseHref?: string Refers to the publicly accessible domain where assets (styles, fonts and icons) could be fetched by OpenReplay. Since they're required for proper session replay, this option is useful to get around the limitation of having your site (and therefore assets) hosted in a private domain. Example:
  • captureIFrames?: boolean For capturing all of the same-domain iFrames in your web app. If you wish to track a specific iFrame, then instead simply add the data-openreplay-capture HTML attribute to the <iframe> tag. Default: true.
  • heatmaps?: boolean For disabling click maps. Default: true.
  • verbose?: boolean For enabling logs. Default: false.
  • autoResetOnWindowOpen?: boolean Enable this option to reset the sessionID when opening a new tab from your application. This overwrites the method to avoid duplicate sessionIDs due to shared session storage between browser tabs. Default: false.


  • respectDoNotTrack?: boolean Do not start tracker if the do-not-track flag is enabled in the user's browser. Default: false.
  • obscureTextEmails?: boolean Obscures emails in text elements. Emails will be converted to a random chain of asterisks. Default: true.
  • obscureTextNumbers?: boolean Obscures numbers in text elements. Numbers will be converted to a random chain of asterisks. Default: false.
  • obscureInputEmails?: boolean Obscures emails in input fields. Email values will be converted to a random chain of asterisks. Default: true.
  • defaultInputMode?: 0 | 1 | 2 Default capture mode for input values. Respectively: plain, obscured or ignored. Default: 0 (plain).

Note that excluded data is obscured or suppressed before sending the data to OpenReplay servers. Changes applied to the above options cannot be retroactive and will only apply to newly collected data. See Sanitize Data for more details.


  • consoleMethods?: Array<'log' | 'info' | 'warn' | 'error' 'debug' | 'assert'> | null Specifies the list of console methods to capture. Default: ['log', 'info', 'warn', 'error', 'debug', 'assert']
  • consoleThrottling?: number Max number of captured console entries per second. Default: 30.


  • captureExceptions?: boolean Captures JavaScript exceptions and stacktraces. Default: true.


  • captureResourceTimings?: boolean Logs resource timings. Default: true.
  • capturePageLoadTimings?: boolean Logs page load timings. Default: true.
  • capturePageRenderTimings?: boolean Computes page rendering metrics such as Speed Index, Visually Complete or Time To Interactive. Requires captureResourceTimings = true. Default: true.


  • capturePerformance?: boolean For capturing performance metrics such as framerate, CPU and memory consumption. Default: true.


  • connAttemptCount?: number Max number of retries when tracker's HTTP requests fail to reach the backend. Default: 10.
  • connAttemptGap?: number Duration between each retry attempt (expressed in ms). Default: 8000.


  • __DISABLE_SECURE_MODE?: boolean For disabling secure connection (SSL) between tracker and backend. This should be used for development purposes only. Default: false.