
Clips are short, curated segments from session replays that highlight key user interactions, technical issues, or behavioral patterns. They are selected using embedding distances and session metadata, allowing users to quickly find the most relevant moments without manually reviewing full sessions. Clips adapt dynamically to user preferences, improving over time through engagement feedback.

Each session replay is analyzed to identify key moments, ensuring that users get a curated selection of five clips per cycle. These clips highlight meaningful interactions based on user role, use case, and session metadata.

  1. Navigate to the Session Replays list view.
  2. Click on the Clips tab.
  3. AI-generated clips relevant to your role and project will be displayed.
  4. Select a clip to watch key moments without reviewing the full session.
  • Curated Session Highlights: Clips surface key moments based on user engagement and metadata.
  • Feedback System: Users can like 👍 or dislike 👎 each clip to refine future recommendations.
  • Full Session Navigation: If a clip is relevant, users can directly open the full session replay.
  • Endless Discovery: Once all five clips are watched, users can restart the cycle with fresh recommendations.
  • Adaptive Learning: Clips improve over time based on user feedback and engagement patterns.

Clips are generated based on session interactions, metadata, and embedding-based similarity analysis. The system:

  1. Maps session content into a multidimensional space to identify similar interactions.
  2. Analyzes user engagement signals, such as replays, shares, and analytics interactions.
  3. Selects key moments based on session activity and behavioral data.

This approach ensures that users receive the most relevant and insightful session highlights, making session replays more intuitive and accessible.

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