Your OpenReplay instance can be easily configured. Here are step-by-step tutorials for enabling email services, securing your installation and delete recordings from the database.
Step-by-step guides
Section titled Step-by-step guides- Configure SMTP: Setup SMTP for receiving alerts, weekly reports, inviting new users to OpenReplay and resetting passwords.
- Secure OpenReplay: Secure OpenReplay by configuring SSL, reCaptcha and setting a CSP.
- Proxy Settings: Run OpenReplay behind a proxy like NGINX or Apache2.
- Cleanup Storage: How recordings are stored, and how to delete in bulk from database and cleanup your storage.
- External Recordings’ Storage: Change the default storage destination of your recordings.
- External Database: Use an external Postgres DB for OpenReplay.
- Single-Sign-On (SAML): Setup Single-Sign-On (SSO) via SAML.
Have questions?
Section titled Have questions?If you encounter any issues, connect to our Slack or check out our Forum and get help from our community.