Learn how to integrate Datadog backend errors with OpenReplay session replays to extend your monitoring and debugging capabilities.
1. Generate Datadog API Key & Application Key
Section titled 1. Generate Datadog API Key & Application Key- Go to Datadog > Integrations > APIs and generate the API Key, or use the existing one.
- On the same page, click on Application Keys and generate a new application key.
2. Configure Datadog integration in OpenReplay
Section titled 2. Configure Datadog integration in OpenReplayIn your OpenReplay account, follow these 3 steps to complete the session replays correlations with Datadog backend errors.
Enable Datadog integration
Section titled Enable Datadog integration- Go to Preferences > Integrations in OpenReplay.
- Select the Backend Logging tab.
- Select the project to which you want to enable the Datadog integration: Locate the Datadog integration card > Click on it.
Enter Datadog credentials
Section titled Enter Datadog credentialsIn the Datadog integration sidebar enter:
- Datadog API Key
- Application Key
Verify Connection
Section titled Verify Connection- Click on Add to test the connection
3. Propagate
Section titled 3. Propagate openReplaySession.idTo link a Datadog event with the recorded user session, a unique session ID
needs to be propagated from your frontend to your backend on each request you want to track. This can be done using a custom HTTP header.
Frontend: Include in API Requests
Section titled Frontend: Include in API Requests// JavaScript Example for for Single Page Applications (SPA):
const sessionId = tracker.getSessionID();
const headers = {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
if (sessionId) {
headers[''] = sessionId;
// Make the API request
fetch('', {
method: 'GET', // or 'POST', 'PUT', etc.
// ...other options
.then(response => {
// Handle response
.catch(error => {
// Handle error
Backend: Include in Logs
Section titled Backend: Include in LogsBelow is an example in Python using the logging module to automatically include the in your logs.
import logging
from flask import Flask, request, g
app = Flask(__name__)
# Configure the root logger
logger = logging.getLogger()
# Create a custom logging filter
class OpenReplayFilter(logging.Filter):
def filter(self, record):
session_id = getattr(g, 'openreplay_session_id', None)
if session_id:
record.msg = f"[{session_id}] {record.msg}"
return True
# Add the filter to the logger
def before_request():
# Extract the session ID from headers and store it in the Flask `g` object
g.openreplay_session_id = request.headers.get('')
def api_endpoint():
# Your logic here
# Log an event with the session ID automatically included"Endpoint accessed")
return 'Success', 200
def handle_exception(e):
# Log the error with the session ID automatically included
logger.error(f"Error: {str(e)}")
return 'Internal Server Error', 500
if __name__ == '__main__':
Have questions?
Section titled Have questions?If you encounter any issues, connect to our Slack or check out our Forum and get help from our community.