
Integrate GitHub with OpenReplay and create issues directly from the recording page.

1. Create a personal access token

Section titled 1. Create a personal access token
  1. Login to Github then go to Settings > Developers Settings > Personal access tokens
  2. Click ‘Generate a new token’
  3. Select repo:status, repo_deployment,public_repo, read:user, and user:email scopes
  4. Hit ‘Generate token’ then copy the token

2. Enable GitHub in OpenReplay

Section titled 2. Enable GitHub in OpenReplay
  1. Go to OpenReplay dashboard then ‘Preferences > Integration’
  2. Select GitHub. If you don’t see it, then you must have enabled Jira (you cannot use both at the same time so make sure to disable Jira integration first).
  3. Paste the previously generated token

A ‘Create Issue’ button would then appear in all recordings so you can quickly create and assign issues in GitHub.

Go to ‘Preferences > Integration’ and click on GitHub. You will be redirected to GitHub for authentication. That’s all you have to do. A ‘Create Issue’ button would then appear in all recordings so you can quickly create and assign issues in GitHub.

If you encounter any issues, connect to our Slack or check out our Forum and get help from our community.