How to use OmniSearch

With the OpenReplay tracker set up and capturing user sessions, you’re ready to uncover what’s really happening in your product. OmniSearch helps you debug issues, identify what’s going wrong, and understand user behavior in detail. It bridges the gap between quantitative data and the qualitative insights hidden within your session replays.

Getting started with OmniSearch

Section titled Getting started with OmniSearch

The OmniSearch component is available across various views in OpenReplay. Here, we focus on how the OmniSearch features in the Session Replays view, the primary interface for exploring all session replays.

  1. Events dropdown: Choose from auto-captured user interactions and devTools events
Events dropdown
  1. Filters dropdown: Apply filters to narrow down results by user data, session properties, issues, and metadata
Filters dropdown
  1. Logic controls: Switch between sequential (“Then”) and parallel (“And”/“OR”) events occurrence.
Logic control options
  1. Search operators: Refine searches with “is,” “contains,” “starts with,” and more
  1. Drag-and-drop events: Rearrange events order to refine your search.
drag and drop events
  1. Save frequently used searches for quick access: Use the Save Search button to store event and filters groups and access them easily for similar future queries.
saved search

Events in OmniSearch represent user interactions and system behaviors that occur during a session.

They are divided into two main categories: Events (Autocaptured: automatic user interaction tracking and Custom events: sent using the SDK) and DevTools events (technical monitoring and debugging).

Event nameDescription
ClickRecords user clicks.
Text InputTracks text entered in fields.
Visited URLLogs visited pages
Tagged ElementTracks custom-tagged elements.
Custom EventsUser defined events, sent using the SDK.
Event nameDescription
Network RequestMonitors network activity.
GraphQLLogs GraphQL queries and responses.
State ActionTracks state changes in your application.
Error MessageCaptures error messages in the console.
Average CPU LoadMeasures average CPU usage.
Average Memory UsageTracks average memory consumption.

Filters in OmniSearch help you narrow down session replays by specific criteria, allowing you to focus on the most relevant user sessions. They work in conjunction with events to create precise searches across your session data.

Filters are organized into four main categories:

Filter nameDescription
User IDFilter on specific users using their unique identifiers.
Anonymous User IDFilter sessions of users without a logged-in identity.
Filter nameDescription
CountryFilter sessions by country.
CityFilter sessions by city.
State/ProvinceFilter sessions by state or province.
Operating System (OS)Filter sessions by the operating system used.
BrowserFilter sessions by the browser type.
DeviceFilter sessions by the user’s device.
PlatformFilter sessions by the platform type.
Version IDFilter sessions by the version of the application.
ReferrerFilter sessions based on the referring URL.
DurationFilter sessions replays by their duration.
UTM SourceFilter sessions by UTM source parameter.
UTM MediumFilter sessions by UTM medium parameter.
UTM CampaignFilter sessions by UTM campaign parameter.
Filter nameDescription
Rage Click, Dead Click, Excessive Scrolling, Mouse ThrashingIdentify sessions with user frustration caused by repeated clicks, broken buttons or links, excessive scrolling, erratic mouse movement….
Bad RequestIdentify sessions with HTTP 400 errors.
Missing ResourceFind sessions with missing resources
CPU IssuesIdentify sessions with high CPU usage.
Slow ResourceIdentify sessions with slow-loading resources.
Slow Page LoadIdentify sessions with slow page load times.
CrashIdentify sessions where the app or page crashed.
ErrorsIdentify sessions with application errors.
Filter nameDescription
Metadata keyUse custom-defined metadata to filter sessions. If undefined, see how you can add metadata here

If you still have questions, make sure to reach out to our devs on our  Slack community.