
Follow the below tutorials to get the most out of OpenReplay.

Learn from the below tutorials using real-world use cases.

  • Create your own plugins: Learn how to build your own custom plugins in your self-hosted OpenReplay instance.
  • Assist: Offer the best support and on-boarding exeprience for your end users though live session replay.
  • Fetch Plugin: Learn how to set up and sanitize request information using the Fetch plugin.
  • Axios Plugin: Learn how to set up and sanitize request information using the Axios plugin.
  • Redux Plugin: Learn how to set up the Redux plugin to capture state changes in your session replays.
  • VueX Plugin: Learn how to set up the VueX plugin to capture state changes in your session replays.
  • GraphQL Plugin: Learn how to set up the GraphQL plugin to capture operation data in your session replays.
  • Zustand Plugin: Tracking state data from Zustand with the Zustand Tracker plugin.
  • Pinia Plugin: Tracking state data from Pinia with the Pinia Tracker plugin.

Integrations with other frameworks

Section titled Integrations with other frameworks

Extend OpenReplay with new features

Section titled Extend OpenReplay with new features
  • Custom heuristic: Make your own issue detection algorithm and add it to OpenReplay heuristics engine.