Cross⁠-⁠domain iFrame Tracking

To enable cross-domain iFrame tracking, you need to add the crossdomain.enabled option to the tracker’s constructor, then add domain area via data-domain to all desired iFrames like so:


Add the crossdomain option following to your tracker constructor:

const tracker = new OpenReplay({
  projectKey: PROJECT_KEY,
  crossdomain: {
    enabled: true
  captureIFrames: true

Then initialize the tracker inside the desired iFrame and add crossdomain.parentDomain to its constructor:

const tracker = new OpenReplay({
  projectKey: PROJECT_KEY,
  crossdomain: {
    // Specifies the domain of the parent window
    // If not specified, it will be set to '*'
    // Which means that child window will send messages to all domains inside the browser window
    // Consult your CSP settings to ensure that '*' is allowed or specify the parent domain
    parentDomain: '*',

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